Some of my favourite photos

Monday 17 June 2013

Millets farm falconry

Yesterday we visited our friends at Millets farm falconry. This is one of my favourite places to visit.

Peregrine falcon

We watched a talked about baby owls. We learnt that tawny owls learn to fly very quickly and if you find a wild one on the ground don't pick it up because it is ok and it will find it's own way back up the tree.
Me and an owl

Baby owl

Learning to fly

We saw James fly his yellow tailed kite called Jasmin. She was very good at catching food while flying.

At the falconry there are two vultures called Ronnie and Reggie. One of the vultures kept chasing James and trying to bite his ankles.
This is Sahara the Indian Eagle owl. 
Sahara was one of the owls that my sister had at her birthday party in 2008. 


  1. Fantastic photos Alex! Its my favourite place to go too! Lisa

  2. I have been to a falconry before but I never knew that there was one at Millets. I should go and check it out!
