Some of my favourite photos

Sunday 13 July 2014

Butterfly survey - third and final part

This morning some friends of ours invited us round to see a Swallows nest in their extension they are building. The adults is coming in through an open window which the builders are leaving until the babies fledge.

This afternoon we went on the third and final butterfly survey of our local wood. It had been raining this morning and when we arrived it was still cloudy but humid. There weren't many butterflies around so it didn't look hopeful.

There were a few Rinlets (no photos) and Meadow Browns

Meadow Brown

As the afternoon went on the sun started to peek out. We were looking for White Admirals, purple Haistreak and Purple Emperor especially because they have been spotted in the wood over the past couple of weeks.

Firstly we saw a Red Admiral quite high up in the trees.

We saw a number of Silver- Washed Fritillary's

Some Small Skippers

This was everyone just after I had spotted a White Admiral, we were looking in this patch for the Purple Emperor as this is where it had last been seen.

On the way back around the wood we saw this Green Veined White

In total we spotted ten different species,

Meadow Brown
Green Veined White
Red Admiral
White Admiral
Small Tortoiseshell
Small Skipper
Large Skipper
Silver Washed Fritillary

We also saw quite a few different white butterflies but they didn't count because we couldn't confirm what they were.

Thank you to the Butterfly Conservation Upper Thames Branch for coming to survey our woods, I have really enjoyed the last three surveys and have learnt a lot about butterflies.
Looking forward to next year.

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