Some of my favourite photos

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Fox, Hares and Butterflies

The weather over the past few days as been very sunny and humid. 
The hares have been out every evening and there are some many butterflies in the fields and hedgerows.

I saw this Kestrel fly over my house with something in its talons. I think it was a bit of a baby bird because another bird was chasing after it.

This Fox came plodding down the farm track, stopped to have its photo taken then headed off. Probably after the many baby Rabbits that were in the same field.

A couple of photos of some Butterflies taken over the last few days. Most of these were taken on the edge of the field of crops, next to the woods, where the flowers and grasses have been left to grow.

Marbled White

Male Large Skipper


Small Tortoiseshell 

Female Meadow Brown

Meadow Brown

Hare hiding from Buzzard flying over head

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Monthly photos for June 2014

Here are my 4 scenes that I have been taking photos of each month to see how they change over the year.

Rushes and many different types of plants cover stream's bank. The stream now has little fish in it.

The field's crops are starrting to get tall

The pond is hidden away by all the bracken and bushes surounding it and quite difficult to actually reach through to it. There are small trails through the plants so animals must still be going to the pond to drink.

                                                        Everything is so green now.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Marbled White butterfly

I found this pretty Marbled White Butterfly in a field near the woods while looking for Hares. 
I think its a male because its darker.
They like hot and dry summers and can be found between mid June and mid August.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Kimmeridge Snorkel trail

Yesterday I went off my Local patch and went down to Kimmeridge in Dorset for the day. The weather was very sunny, with no wind making it perfect for snorkelling.

There they have a snorkel trail marked out in the Bay with buoys. The snorkel trail is 400m long and you snorkel through patchs of seaweed and rocks. Most places it is between 2 and 3 metres deep on a high tide.

Common Blenny
The seaweed is very colourful with quite a few Wrasse swimming in and out. Which are too fast to take any good photos.


Later on, when the tide went out my mum ran a beachcombing course for me and my friends. We saw, Blenny's, Dragonets, sea snails, Limpets, Barnacles, anemones and lots of different coloured seaweed.

Beadlet anemone

Fish hiding in seaweed

Monday, 16 June 2014

More Hares and Leverets

After seeing the hares in the field yesterday we thought we would go and have another look today.
They were in exactly the same place.

We saw what we think was two leverets and two adults.
The leverets have fluffier fur and their ears look too big for them.

Sunday, 15 June 2014


This evening we walked through the field where the hares are. Almost immediately we saw a leveret, one of this years babies.
Me and my mum both sat down on the ground to watch the hare. It just sat and watched us back.

Look at the size of his feet and ears

My dad and sister walked the other way with the dogs and saw this deer.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Around the lake and birthday cake

Last night my sister was sailing at the lake again so I took my camera and the Gopro to have a look around. It was also my birthday and my neighbour made this great cake. My best present was some binoculars.

Reed Warbler


In the evening there is lots of bird singing around the lake, including two Cuckoos, The Reed buntings, gulls and moorhens.

Female Reed Bunting

Great Crested Grebe

Crayfish head

Scarlet tiger moth



This corvid was chattering to itself as it walked along the path.

Four spotted chaser
