One of the things I was most looking forward to on our Easter holiday was Whale watching. We had booked a boat trip with Monterey Bay Whale Watch.
We had researched which company to use on-line before we went and were happy that they knew where to look for the Whales and most importantly that they respected the Whales space and didn't hassle them.
This one was after a sealion which you can see its head to the right of the photo |
Right at the beginning of the trip we had lots of information about what we might see and the animals of Monterey.
It wasn't long before we spotted our first Whale - an Orca!!
Ignore the one below it only has sound no picture.
Another boat joined us for a bit which shows you how big the Whale was in comparison
It wasn't long before the Orca swam off and left us to look around for something else.
Two Humpback Whales came really close to the boat. Humpback Whales can be up to 55 ft long, they come from Mexico to Monterey during the summer. The Humpbacks feed on krill and anchovies.
Our beach house is in the background of this photo |
The whole trip was very informative, especially learning about how the pollution of the oceans is affecting the whales and their babies.
We were also told about the jelly fish like Velella Velella which were floating everywhere on the sea and being washed up on the beach.
We could see the Humpback whales from the Kitchen window of our house. They come so close to the shore because their food concentrates along the submarine Canyon
One morning we even saw the Orca from the beach, but unfortunately didn't get a photo of it.